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Eurovision 2015: The ten last qualified for the finals are ... 10 years ago

And if Saturday the "golden boy" of Eurovision was Nadav Guedj? When the Franco-Israeli won the final qualifier ticket for the final, the Stadthalle Vienna (Austria) exulted. And out of the room, his supporters époumonaient on the chorus of Goldenboy ... several other spectators resumed in chorus. This festive song has clearly distinguished itself in the middle of ballads and allowed Israel to qualify for the final after four consecutive elimination in the semifinals.

As for the other lucky winners, surprises are Cyprus, the song has yet plunged the room into lethargy for three minutes, and Montenegro, who convinced the skeptics with his pop-folk in the national language (it changes English). Apart from that, the big favorites are there. Starting with the Swedes Måns Zelmerlöw. I must say that his song is calibrated to recover points from Reykjavik to Canberra, to the point that the more or less experienced tipsters guarantee him victory.

Slovenia, Norway and Azerbaijan, present in the top 10 bookmakers, also assured the job. Lithuania, which has shown on stage all combinations of kisses (between man and woman, between men and women) and Latvia, which has driven love deeply with his bass Love Injected, join Estonia final. We must therefore reckon with the Baltic trio. The Polish singer tops the list of the ten qualified.

September eliminated countries As for disposal, the disappointment is great for Iceland and Malta, acclaimed by the fans. The Czech Republic, which was back in the contest, had no better luck. Ireland, Portugal and San Marino also leave Vienna at the end of the evening.

The ten qualified this Thursday evening join the other ten the semifinals Tuesday and seven qualified automatically (France, Italy, Britain, Germany, Spain, Austria and Australia). The final looks pretty open, with at least five serious candidates for victory: Sweden, Italy, Australia, Russia. So Israel and its "king of fun."

"Koh Lanta" It refreshes the memory before the episode this Friday night 10 years ago

Fans of Koh Lanta? Only a few hours before discovering the third episode and new escapades of our favorite adventurer ... Last week, the frustrating epilogue left us hungry: what will happen four exiles separated from their team? 20 Minutes reveals what you can expect from this third week.

Summary of the second episode The wind turns to the yellow team, the Lankawai. Criticized for his donor side of lessons, Marc found the favor of his team. A few days from the beginning of the adventure, it succeeds only as a great, to make fire. In two minutes, a record! It is the 5th out of 200 candidates achieve this feat, according to Denis Brogniart.

Full belly and victory in mind, so the yellow address with optimism the test of comfort. At stake, fire, or a nice steak for yellow which already possess. But an unexpected new rule will destabilize candidates. Two adventurers from each team must leave their comrades. Both duos, banished, depart on an unknown place. This will be Sebastian and Manon in Lankawai, Jessica and Cedric (the leader), in Tingi. Although affected by the loss of their leader, the red win the third test and earn the fire. Ball in the center!

Back on their island, red face first tensions. Glad to finally have the fire, they feast and gorge themselves literally rice! Fatal error, food handling is crucial on Koh Lanta. Marie-Anne's mother while the first has to care. Sighted, it counts the portions and decides to ration.

Second test of immunity. Each team must balance on a plane with a length of 1.40 m, inclined at 45 degrees. Against all odds, the yellows, the outsiders, more agile and clever, won their first totem!

First tip for red. Wrongly accused (palm of bad faith for Tingi) mismanagement rice, Marie-Anne is eliminated.

David Ayer reveals the appearance of Jared Leto as 'The Joker' 10 years ago

In anticipation of the followers of Jared Leto and fans of 'The Joker', David Ayer will look revealed how the singer and actor in his next film "Suicide Squad".

Through his Twitter account, filmmaker published a photograph of the actor fully characterized as the DC Comics under the 75th anniversary of its appearance. In the picture we see a Joker shirtless and with a lot of tattoos on his chest, abdomen, arms and even the face, something not seen in previous film versions or in print.

We can also see their green hair and a purple glove, as usual attire of character and a pose that goes back to the famous image of "The Killing Joke" which apparently will be the basis cartoon for the characterization of the character, just as we saw in the previous picture released by the same yesterday where it appears in the same pose as the cover of the comic.

The film tells the story of a group of villains who are hired by the US government to conduct high-risk missions in exchange for reducing the time of their sentences. The group will be forming by Deadshot characters (Will Smith), Harley Quinn (Margot Robbie), the Joker (Jared Leto), Captain Boomerang (Jai Courtney), Lovely (Cara Delevingne), Rick Flag (Joel Kinnaman) and Killer Croc ( Adewale Akinnuoye-Agbaje), led by Amanda Waller (Viola Davis).

The project is part of the series of films that DC has planned to give a new twist to his characters most known and have a project itself similar to the Marvel Cinematic Universe. "Suicide Squad" will hit theaters on August 5, 2016.

Avril Lavigne's positive attitude toward her Lyme disease is inspiring 10 years ago

Avril Lavigne recently opened up about the fact that she had been diagnosed with Lyme disease, which left her extremely sick and bedridden for months. But the "Girlfriend" hit maker is determined to not let her illness destroy her life.

Speaking during an interview with Billboard magazine, Lavigne remained positive about her illness, and admitted to even finding a silver lining throughout the entire ordeal.

"I haven't stopped working since I was 15," Lavigne explained, a decision she was forced to make when she fell ill. "Just to have this downtime, this time spent with my family, has been really good for me just to take a step back and look at my life, and really get to see who in my life is really there for me when I need them. I've had a lot of time to just think, and I've never been so clear before, or as close to my family. So there's been a lot of good that has come out of it. And moving forward, I'm really clear on what I want in life."

We applaud the star for having such a positive attitude and her outlook on life is truly inspiring. She's also decided to publicly share her battle with Lyme disease to help educate others who may not realize the horrible effect that a "simple bug bite" can have on them.

"I feel like I have a responsibility — I can't just sit on my ass and do nothing," Lavigne told the magazine. "I need to talk about Lyme disease, because it's real, it's out there, it was a simple bug bite and it could happen to anybody. People need to know about it, because it's not talked about that much and a lot of the information that's out there is inaccurate."

Telling a woman to 'eat a cheeseburger' isn't pro-curves, it's ignorant 10 years ago

Let's get something straight. Telling an ultra-thin woman to eat a cheeseburger is no different than telling an overweight one to find a treadmill.

Giuliana Rancic is being criticized, again, for being too skinny. The comments don't fall short of telling her she looks unhealthy, that she should really go eat a cheeseburger.

While more women are standing up for their bodies at every curve, wrinkle and roll — and that is a beautiful thing — it doesn't give anyone the right to attack a woman for not having enough rolls. It's as if right when it was cool to be proud of our weight (a trend I fully condone), it somehow became cool to poke fun at being too skinny (a trend that I don't).

Our society's new-found confidence in not looking like every magazine model does not suddenly make it OK to shame anyone who represents this group of women. And cheeseburgers will not solve any issues you think these women have.

I repeat, "... you think these women have."

Your body weight is your choice and every other woman has that same right. While we may have freedom of speech to express opinions about how ugly, fat or skinny someone is... why are we so quick to tear people down?

Yes, Giuliana is thin. But she also might love the way she looks. Her doctor may think she is perfectly healthy. And if she's not, well, throwing cheeseburgers in her face certainly is not the answer.

Brynn Andre, body image expert and certified life coach, who battled an eating disorder for 10 years before she started to coach other girls, can attest to how dangerous comments like this are.

"Every woman I coach can recall the smallest insult they ever received on their body, like a bullet that's lodged inside her heart. One mean-spirited remark could be the spark to cause an eating disorder; words about a woman's body can be that powerful."


p> So, tell a woman to eat a cheeseburger. Tell her that she is way too skinny. Tell her there is obviously something wrong with her. But you're probably doing one of two things: Fueling her eating disorder or giving her one.

When you suffer from an eating disorder, what you ate that day drives everything you do and what starts with a simple desire to look thinner (something that's really pretty common) becomes an addiction to food and everything it represents. It's an obsession with food that is only increased by our society's obsession to attack what a woman looks like, whether "fat" or "skinny."

As Andre says, "Struggling with emotional eating and body shame is an emotional drain. It robs you of the ability to be fully present in your life because you're continually worrying about how much or how little you've eaten, how fat or thin you look that day and whether you've worked out enough."

And before you ask, "If it's so miserable, why don't they just stop caring what people think?" Let's just remember a little thing called empathy. Telling an overweight person to "just exercise" doesn't magically make them do it and telling a woman with an eating disorder to stop caring will not suddenly make years of emotional shame go away.

If you've ever personally known anyone who suffered from an eating disorder, you know very well that all the positive comments in the world don't change their mind. You can say, "You're crazy, you look beautiful. Forget them." But all they hear, is "I'm not good enough."

Leora Fulvio, Psychotherapist specializing in women's issues, explains, "It doesn't matter what they look like, they feel not good enough because pretty much all women and their bodies are metaphorical piñatas. Anyone who puts themselves out there is up for criticism because we have created a society that tells us that it is OK."

And thus so many women learn to hate their bodies before you can blink twice.

"Having an abusive relationship with yourself is impossible. So you have to get out into the world," Fulvio continues, "Take it slowly, step-by-step. Do little things that challenge you... little steps to help you reintegrate into the world."

So, why are we set on creating a world in which no one is comfortable being themselves? The chatter is always about being too skinny or too fat, what is so-called normal, when all we really need to do is just take a deep breath and start supporting each other a little more. We're all each other have.

Kourtney Kardashian wins most inspiring #InternationalWomensDay post 10 years ago

Part of the reason we celebrate stars so much is because they are larger than life and inspire us to be better people.

Sometimes they don't always turn out to be the amazing role models we chalk them up to be — they are human, after all — but this past weekend, female celebrities showed up on social media in droves to prove that they and women around the world are forces to be reckoned with in honor of International Women's Day.

Emma Watson, Goodwill Ambassador to UN Women and captain of the HeForShe campaign, kicked off the day by hosting a live conversation on Facebook, welcoming people to ask questions about HeForShe and gender equality. "Encourage and include each other," Watson said during the chat. "Don't try and ostracize each other and have an open mind and don't have expectations based on the gender or the sex you see in front of you."

Kourtney Kardashian seized the moment to recognize the strong women in her own life that inspire her. Hate on the Kardashian clan all you want, but Kourtney's message about teaching girls, and boys, to be who they are and lift each other up is super-powerful.

Ariana Grande, who has definitely fought her fair share of battles defending her image, came out with a strong message on Twitter about women empowering women.

Iconic fashion designer Betsey Johnson celebrated with Wonder Woman and a healthy breakfast.

And actress AnnaSophia Robb was right there with Johnson on the superhero front.

Lena Dunham, who's no stranger to fighting for feminism, paid tribute to Rosie the Riveter and hardworking women everywhere.

Taylor Swift posted a seriously epic photo of some of her favorite women: Ellie Goulding, Selena Gomez and Este and Alana Haim.

While Gomez and Goulding may have been with Swift in spirit, they spent International Women's Day celebrating elsewhere. Gomez surrounded herself with the strong women in her life and Goulding was with super-athletes Sarah Reinertsen and Carmelita Jeter.

And Kristen Bell gave a shout-out to the We're Not There Yet campaign, which challenged everyone to change their profile pictures to ghost avatars in a nod to what the world would be like without women in it.

Josh and Anna Duggar gender reveal: Are they having twins? 10 years ago

Anna Duggar is pregnant for the fourth time, and she just revealed the gender. Is the twin rumor true? Find out what Josh and Anna Duggar have to say about their growing family.

The Duggar family continues to grow as 19 Kids and Counting stars Josh and wife Anna Duggar announce their fourth child will be a... baby girl!

Due on July 10, Anna thought twins could be a possibility since she was experiencing more morning sickness with this pregnancy and twins run in Josh's family — his mom, Michelle Duggar, had two sets of twins. Josh, 26, is the eldest child of Michelle and Jim Bob, who rose to fame when TLC chronicled their large family on the reality show.

No twins this go-around for Josh and Anna. The couple are excited to welcome a baby girl, as now it will be even — two girls and two boys. The Duggars have two sons, 3-year-old Michael and 1-year-old Marcus, as well as one daughter, 5-year-old Mackynzie.

"Josh thought it was a boy. I thought it was a girl," Anna said. "Mackynzie wanted a girl. Michael wanted a boy."

Anna and her sister-in-law Jill Duggar (striped shirt) are both pregnant and recently shared this Instagram photo as they compared baby bumps.

Married since 2008, Josh and 26-year-old Anna said they don't have a specific number in mind as far as how many kids they will have but plan on "as many children as God will give them."

"I've done the math, and there is no way we can have 20 kids that I can figure, but the reason most people don't have a large family is because they feel the financial pressures. It's tough to have so many kids in today's world," he told People.

As far as baby names go, it sounds like Josh and Anna will stick with their "M" theme. "We are close to announcing a name but haven't yet," Josh said. "We are likely going down the same path, but we'll just have to see."

All 19 Duggar kids, including Josh, have names that start with the letter "J," so Josh and Anna decided to keep that tradition going, only using a different letter.

Now 21 weeks into her pregnancy, Anna said her morning sickness has subsided, and she is getting excited to welcome her new addition.

"Some people think I'm not happy unless I'm pregnant. Marcus just celebrated his first birthday, and I was thinking, 'My baby is growing up.' There is a desire to have more children but also keep the balance of enjoying what God has given you and enjoy the children we have," she said.

Naomi Campbell's reason for attacking a cameraman was fair 10 years ago

We all know that Naomi Campbell doesn't react well when someone crosses the line, and that's just what happened when a cameraman caught up with the supermodel during her recent vacation.

During a 15-second video that was posted on NBC News' Facebook page, Campbell is seen out and about on the streets of Cuba. In the beginning of the footage, the model looks like she's adjusting her hat to hide her face, but it's game over once she spots a cameraman. She immediately walks up to him, grabs the camera and demands that he stops filming. At time of press, the video had racked up more than 95,000 views and we can only expect that the number will grow from there.

Sure, Campbell created the story herself by grabbing the camera and having a fit in front of the lens. I mean, she could have just kept it moving or told someone from her entourage to approach the cameraman from the beginning, but there is a sense of invasion that's going on and it's simply wrong. It's a tale as old as time, but this issue is going to stay relevant as long as the paparazzi keep on hounding these folks.

Thankfully, SheKnows and plenty of other websites have partaken in the #NoKidsPolicy wave, which urges people to stop supporting publications that run unauthorized photos of celebrity children. It's a step in the right direction and will hopefully create something that helps these adults out in the long run too. Until then, Naomi, just try and keep your head up high and anger to a minimum.

What Frozen's Anna and Elsa would look like if they were black 10 years ago

There is an amazing artist on Tumblr who is getting some serious attention for her re-imaginings of Disney characters, specifically for her depictions of Frozen's key stars.

Because the artist, JuliaJM15, is taking a completely different approach to the beloved princesses by changing their ethnicities and the color of their skin.

While she's done this with multiple Disney princesses, so far, including Tarzan's Jane and Brave's Merida, her depictions of Elsa and Anna are getting the most attention probably because that is the most popular animated film of the current generation. But also because it proves Elsa and Anna would have been just as gorgeous if they were black (and maybe Disney should make more of these things happen, huh?).

Comments have flooded in, praising the artist's depiction of the princesses, and some of them will definitely tug at your heartstrings.

"My cynical old heart is warmed to its very core by the idea that a little girl out there is excited to see an Elsa that looks like her. I want more of that for that little girl," one particular fan wrote.

Another anonymous commenter wrote, "I just wanted to say that I'm black and I showed my baby cousin the Elsa that you posted, and she has been obsessed with black Elsa ever since and prefers her to the original because 'she's just like me.'" The commenter continues, "Thank you for standing up for minorities."

It looks like the Frozen train isn't slowing down anytime soon. But neither is the desire for characters that better represent all different facets of our world within Disney films.

Disney is slowly, but surely, making way for more diversity in its animated films. The studio just announced last month that it will be bringing the first animated Latina princess to television in 2016. Hopefully this is the first of many announcements. Of course, the studio could always pull a Marvel and integrate diversity into already existing character. There is a Frozen 2 coming, after all.

Richard Sherman is anticipating the only thing bigger than the Big Game 10 years ago

Richard Sherman, who plays for the NFL in Seattle, is expecting his first child soon — so soon, in fact, that his heavily pregnant girlfriend traveled with him to Arizona for the Super Bowl.

During the week leading up to the Super Bowl, speculation swirled around the dad-to-be, whose girlfriend, Ashley Moss, shared some insider info about being super pregnant with the couple's first baby. The big question? If she goes into labor before or during Super Bowl XLIX, will the superstar cornerback play?

Rest easy, Seahawks fans. The couple isn't too worried about Dad missing any game time. Moss explains that if she goes into labor prior to kickoff, "I guess we'll have a Super Bowl baby, and if you see Richard heading for the locker room right after it hits zero in the fourth quarter, don't be surprised."

In fact, Sherman says that his little boy will be doing his daddy his first big favor and will be staying put until the big day is over. "He's not supposed to come on Sunday," he told reporters. "But I think he's a disciplined man and will wait."

Moss sat down and talked with a reporter about their upcoming addition. She said that the whole Seahawks organization has been extremely supportive, and the couple has been surrounded by family the entire week. They have decided upon a name but are keeping it a secret until he's born. But she did spill that he will share his father's initials, RKS (though definitely not a junior). She muses that she wonders whose personality their child will take on — outgoing like his dad, or on the quieter side like his mom.

An NFL player becoming a dad isn't uncommon news, but it's sweet to see a football player talk about his child-to-be and his hopes and wishes for him. I'm curious to see if Sherman will become leaky eyed like T.Y. Hilton so adorably did when he talked about his newborn daughter earlier this year, and the power of dads talking about their kids really never gets old.

Football and babies may be two of my favorite things ever — it's awfully fun to see the two converge right before the biggest game of the year.

Some Glamorous kitchens just oozing with inspiration 10 years ago

The start of a new year is inspiration alone to update your kitchen. Whether you're hungry for kitchen decorating ideas or ways to dramatically transform your cooking space, these 15 glamorous kitchens will whet your appetite.

  1. A modern interpretation of a mountain home kitchen This contemporary kitchen combines coveted elements of mountain living, including natural wood and light, with the clean lines that modernists love.

  2. The ideal kitchen for a minimalist An ideal kitchen for the cook who wants the kitchen to emanate a cool, collected and elegant feel sans distractions from counter clutter.

  3. When rustic and classy styles meet in the kitchen We love the strong wood elements of the ceiling, island and antiqued cabinets joined with the stonework, granite, stainless steel and the chandeliers.

  4. A small but glamorous kitchen Bright colors, clean lines and stainless steel give this small kitchen enviable class.

  5. Yes, kitchen chandeliers, please! The chandeliers alone make this traditional kitchen a glamorous space, but the stone mantel over the range, bright white cabinetry and the stately granite and dark wood island take elegance over the top.

  6. A warm, welcoming, modern kitchen The dark wood cabinets, brown and gray color scheme and warm lighting give this kitchen an enchanting ambiance that invites you in to wine, dine and relax.

  7. We want this kitchen What's not to love about this inspired kitchen? The neutral color scheme and stainless steel give you next to endless possibilities for colorful accents. The backsplash adds an element of whimsy to this enviable space.

  8. A kitchen fit for the rich and famous This inviting kitchen is simply stunning with elegant color combinations, clean lines and ample natural light.

  9. Wood floor, white cabinets and a vaulted ceiling meet in a dramatic way If you're looking for a spacious yet cozy kitchen, this is it. The black walnut floors are a gorgeous contrast to the white cabinetry while the vaulted ceiling and windows make the room bright and airy.

  10. A warm, rich and inviting kitchen that draws you in The combination of dark wood, unintrusive lighting and large rug make this a kitchen and dining area that is easily the heart of the home. This is the fabulous space that your family and friends will look forward to spending time in.

Jessica Simpson, Eric Johnson arguing over one important parenting decision 10 years ago

Jessica Simpson and her hubby Eric Johnson share two kids together, daughter Maxwell Drew, 2, and son Ace Knute, 16 months — and the fashion world has already taken note of the adorable tots.

According to OK! Magazine, the Blonde Ambition actress' children have been offered a modeling contract with Gap Kids, but while Simpson is said to be super-excited about the offer for her kids to be a part of the fashion brands campaign, she and her husband are not seeing eye-to-eye on the offer.

"They received an offer from Gap Kids. They're gorgeous and clearly very photogenic," a source believed to be one of Simpson's friends revealed to the publication — and they're right, these kids are beautiful.

But the former American football tight end does not want his children to be thrust into the limelight at such a young age.

"Eric usually just goes along with whatever Jessica wants, but he thinks it's important that the kids have as normal a childhood as they can, since Jess is so famous," the source says.

We completely understand Johnson's hesitation to let his children join the modeling world at such a young age. However, they would be far from the first celebrity tots to venture into the limelight (not that that makes it right, or wrong).

In fact, just a few months ago, Kim Kardashian and Kanye West's daughter North made her modeling debut in CR Fashion Book. Other celebrity children to embark on modeling careers include Cindy Crawford's daughter Kaia Gerber, who was the face of Versace's kids line at age 10, Victoria and David Beckham's son Romeo, who started with Burberry at 10, and Jennifer Lopez's twins, who made their modeling debut as the faces of Gucci's children's line in 2010 at age 2.

J.K. Rowling blasts Rupert Murdoch after his controversial anti-Muslim tweets 10 years ago

Harry Potter author J.K. Rowling is not afraid to speak up for what she believes in, and she proved that with her recent tweet that took aim at media mogul Rupert Murdoch.

In the wake of the Paris, France, terror attacks, Murdoch took to Twitter to voice his opinions on jihadi attacks, in which he claimed that even peaceful Muslims should take responsibility. He wrote that Muslims must "recognize and destroy their growing jihadist cancer."

The News Corp boss' controversial tweet sparked outrage on Twitter, but he followed it up with another comment about political correctness.

However, Rowling does not agree with Murdoch's statements and she took to Twitter on Sunday to link to an article about his comments and blast his views on Islam.

The Cuckoo's Calling author then followed up her first tweet by sarcastically saying she was responsible for the horrific acts that occurred during the Spanish Inquisition. She also mockingly claimed responsibility for American televangelist Jim Bakker.

Rowling was not done there, though: she responded to a Twitter comment that blasted her for not doing proper investigation by providing a link to an article and writing, "Eight times more Muslims have been killed by so-called Islamic terrorists than non-Muslims."

Murdoch, for his part, did not respond to Rowling mocking him but he did praise the "heroic sacrifice" of one of the French police, Ahmed Merabet, who was killed during the attacks in Paris last week.

Some Reasons you don't need to buy a wipe warmer 10 years ago

Your baby's bare, beautiful butt is just so sweet and fragile. What kind of monster would ever change a diaper with freezing cold wipes left out at room temperature?

If you gather round a group of seasoned moms and ask the question, "What is the most useless baby product you ever bought?" you'll always wind up with the same answer. If you guessed the dreaded wipe warmer, you would be right.

For new parents, the wipe warmer is alluring and hard to resist. It's the perfect fancy-schmancy, adorable gadget that you need so you can pretend you're actually doing something earth-shattering, instead of changing a dirty diaper.

Don't be fooled. The luster of the wipe warmer will wear off. Wipes will dry out. Your baby's butt will still be dirty. Soon enough, you'll have to face the fact that one of the major components of your parenting job description is the shoveling of shit. Even the handiest wipe warmer can't take away the sting of a cold-truth slap to the face.

If you want to stay ahead of the parenting game, listen to those who have gone before you. Without a doubt, wipe warmers are listed as one of the top products that every parent doesn't need. Here are a few great reasons why.

  1. Your baby's butt can handle a room temperature wipe

  2. You could spend $30 on actual wipes... and diapers

  3. Everyone viewing your baby registry will secretly hate you

  4. Contrary to popular belief, your baby will not grow into a serial killer if you don't use warm wipes on his tush

  5. If you're honest with yourself, your baby is not that classy

6 Things you missed if you skipped The Interview 10 years ago


p> But the movie, which became a nationwide talking point when terrorist threats caused Sony to cancel its premiere and then release it to select theaters and on-demand sites, actually has a few funny scenes — or, at least, scenes that people are going to be talking about. If you want to be a part of the conversation without wasting hours of your life watching a pretty terrible movie, you're in luck — I wasted hours of my life so you wouldn't have to. Here are The Interview's funny, surprising and gross moments that are sure to be talked about in the office on Monday.


p> 1. Eminem's epic coming out By now, you've surely heard of the opening scene, in which James Franco's character, Dave Skylark, is interviewing rapper Eminem as he comes out on live TV. It actually gave me really high hopes for the movie, because it happens in the first five minutes and it is hilarious.


p> 2. "Honey-potting" is probably a thing people will say now In The Interview, "honey-potting" is what Lizzy Caplan's sexy spy character does to Skylark. Basically, it's just using your attractiveness to get a guy to agree to do something for you, then revealing that you're actually super-intelligent and you planned everything out for him. Casual sexism FTW. Anyway, people are probably going to insist on using this term, so now you'll at least know what it means.


p> 3. More sexism, plus racism and homophobia I guess it should come as no surprise that a lot of the humor in The Interview is pretty low-brow — "honey-potting" isn't even close to the most sexist joke. Throw in some serious racism, body-shaming, homophobia and poor taste, and you've pretty much got The Interview in a nutshell. There's a running joke through the whole movie that margaritas are "gay," plus tons of other off-color references to gay sex. Skylark's insistence that malnutrition and poverty aren't problems in North Korea is based on having seen one overweight child (and he makes a ton of mean jokes about the kid's weight). The fake "Engrish" accents the Americans use to make fun of Koreans and the movie's attempts to make light of serious social issues in North Korea, including rampant poverty, starvation and human rights violations, make for a whole movie full of disappointing jokes.


p> 4. Singing Katy Perry That much being said, not all the gags are terrible. Kim Jong-un's love for Katy Perry is pretty hilarious, and a scene where he and Skylark rock out to "Firework" in Kim's personal tank definitely had me giggling.


p> 5. The cutest puppy of all time OMG, that puppy! In case you missed it in the trailer above, there's a close-up below. That is, without a doubt, the cutest puppy I've ever seen. In my life.


p> Bonus: The Interview is a huge hit in China If you don't care about knowing what happens in the movie but still want to be in the loop, here's a fun fact to share at the water cooler: The Interview is absolutely huge in China. The New York Times reports that more than 300,000 people have pirated the film in China, and the online reviews have been bafflingly positive.


p> "Perfect, the greatest film in history, all hail Sony," read one online comment. "Their ability to amuse is out of this galaxy," another reviewer wrote of Franco and Rogen.


p> Although China is North Korea's only major ally, many ordinary Chinese citizens have concerns about their government being so friendly with the North Korean regime — one reason people in China may be so taken with such a mediocre movie, the Times reports.

What We Wore: Vintage Ski Fashion on View in Stowe 10 years ago

Image Text Plaid wool body suits, furry boots, cropped lime-green-and-pink jackets — that's not exactly what comes to mind when one thinks of "ski wear" these days. As this year's winter season kicks off, the slopes of area resorts are dotted with athletes outfitted in high-tech, breathable fabrics (see this week's cover story for samples). But visitors to the Vermont Ski and Snowboard Museum in Stowe this season will take in a dazzling array of designer ski wear from the presynthetic era.

Opening this week, the museum's ski-fashion exhibit, "Slope Style: Fashion on Snow 1930-2014," features 35 fully accessorized outfits. A special section is dedicated to Vermont skiwear brands past and present, from Bogner to Burton.

"A lot of them are gone now, but they definitely played a part in the ski-fashion world," says guest curator Poppy Gall, a Stowe resident and cofounder of women's skiwear brand Isis.

A public opening celebration and retro skiwear party — yes, this is your opportunity to bust out Grandpa's old woolen ski jacket — happens this Friday, December 5.

The core of the "Slope Style" collection was donated or lent to the museum by former Bogner model and film star Sandra Heath. Now in her eighties and a former museum board member, Heath amassed an impressive personal collection of designer outfits during her years working on film and photo shoots. The star moved to Stowe in the 1950s, the "heyday" of popularity for American ski towns, Gall says.

Earlier this year, Heath donated 25 outfits from her collection to the museum. Thirteen of them were culled for the "Slope Style" exhibit — the "crème de la crème," in Gall's words — to help illustrate the evolution of ski fashion over the decades. Museum staff dug into its permanent collection for "really choice" outfits that fill out the story, Gall says.

In the 1930s, the favored fabrics for ski wear were wool and cotton. "There was no such thing as nylon or Lycra or elastic," Gall notes. Quilted apparel and down garments didn't crop up until the late 1950s or early '60s, she estimates.

"All of your warmth came from layering," Gall continues. "Wool long underwear, wool pants, cashmere sweaters, wool sweaters. And most people wore these cotton poplin anoraks."

Many of the available options didn't stand up to wear and tear on the slopes. "Gabardine was a popular fabric because it was densely woven to block the wind, but, you know, you fell down in the snow and came up looking like a snowball!" Gall says with a laugh. "People would wear leather mittens that would get wet and completely torn apart when they grabbed on to a rope tow."

Then, in the 1960s, Bogner invented one of the signature garments of ski wear: stretch pants.

"I think that alone made skiing popular," Gall says. "The fact that you could wear these really tight-fitting, in-the-boot wool pants that had some stretch to them. Women of the right shape just looked fantastic, and it really changed the way people looked at ski fashion. It became a sexy, fun sport because of stretch pants."

Accordingly, a lot of stretch pants show up in this collection — several of them belonging to Heath, who personally dressed some of the mannequins in the exhibit.

"She lives in Stowe and can just pop over to the museum," Gall explains. "She's been really fantastic in the last week, like, Oh, you can add this here, and Oh, I have a fantastic pair of boots to go with this! We have a lot of stuff of hers on loan for the exhibit to augment what [Heath] has donated," Gall adds. "She just can't believe there's so much interest and enthusiasm around this."

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